Changing Seasons & Self-Awareness

As we prepare to enter Winter here in Canada, I am reminded of the need to go inward. Nature takes time to rest so she can once again create new life when Spring returns. We humans need this too. If we tune into the rhythms of nature, she will guide us inward at this time. Darkness, rest and introspection are all characteristic of this season. This process for many of us can be daunting as spending time in our internal environment is counter-intuitive to what we’re taught in society today.

Instead of looking for answers to our questions outside of us, we’re called to go inward for them and practice self-awareness. This can be extremely uncomfortable for many of us. It’s ok. Getting to know ourselves is a process, a journey that takes time, dedication and commitment. Beginning with 5 minutes of stillness a day can make begin to make a difference in the quality of your thoughts. The Buddha said “thoughts become things” which is why it is so important to be aware of our inner dialogue.

So I ask you…….can you commit 5 minutes of each day just to stop. To be Present. To just breathe and notice yourself? This is the first step in mindfulness, becoming aware.

You are worth it!


Food, Feels & Banana Peels


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