• Loving Me

    Laura came into my life during one of the darkest times I had ever experienced. I had tried everything I could think of to find balance in my life and my mental health, and still felt as though I was drowning. After the very first session with Laura, I felt my chest open and my shoulders felt lighter than they had in years.

    Over the following 4 years, I continued to work with Laura in various capacities until I decided to commit fully to myself and began her Personal Transformation Program. I've connected to myself in ways I've never known before. With Laura's guidance, I’ve learned so much about myself: how to support myself; how to feel genuinely grateful for my past; the present; and what's to come! I have changed so many aspects of myself and my life has improved in countless ways: from self-awareness, to food & nutrition, money and romantic relationships, these areas of my life have and continue to improve now that I have the knowledge and tools to keep working on me.

    It's through her kindness and genuine spirit that I felt safe enough to let go of my fears and to really look inside to meet who was waiting for me. Any skepticism I felt in the beginning has been left behind based on my own continuous transformation. Laura is a blessing in my life and one for which I'll always feel only the deepest gratitude and love.

    -Anna G.

  • Healthy weight & Life

    For years, I've struggled with healthy weight gain and loss to no avail. My education was in regards to healthy gain of muscle mass, and due to several injuries along the way, I had no idea how to decrease my weight in a healthy way. My body was speaking very loudly and with a serious heart condition, I knew I had to make changes immediately. This and past traumas continued to present negatively in my thoughts and emotions.

    Through Laura’s Personal Transformation Program, I've learned how to meal prep and feed my body the nutrition it needs through healthy foods. Her guides are simple to follow, and our one-on-one sessions provided me with a system of accountability that I desperately needed in my life. As well, the emotional and spiritual support and guidance have been essential to improving both my mental and overall health.

    In short, I highly recommend this program for not only those wishing to perfect their physical well being, but also for those wishing true recovery from injury and poor health & negative mindset. Thank you, Laura, for giving me my life back.

    -Will B.

  • Creating my best life

    For years I didn’t fit in, didn’t like my body and wasn’t happy with the life I was living. Through her program, Laura helped me to learn about myself and accept and love who I am. I never thought it was possible! She supported me in the changes I wanted to make and encouraged me to dream big. Laura’s coaching, program and healings have helped me to figure out how I can honour and nurture myself, feel my emotions and feed my mind and body in healthy ways. Investing in me is the one of the best things I’ve ever done. Now I’m living and creating my best life everyday! If you want to make healthy changes, need accountability and aren’t sure where to begin, this program is for you!

    -Mel S.

  • Finally Focus

    Laura came into my life several years ago by “chance”. I immediately felt comfortable with her and knew she was going to be someone who could help me with some of the issues I was having in my life.

    As a newly separated parent who had for many years been in a co-dependant relationship, I had a lot to learn about myself.

    Laura’s gentle coaching helped me to connect with the emotions I was holding deeply inside, and the negative thought patterns that were always present, and begin to release them so I could feel lighter.

    Throughout her program I began to feel and see the changes in myself. I was thrilled! It wasn’t medications, it was meditation and all the other tools she provided me that were and are the key to my success.

    I’m living more confident, happier and healthier than I’ve ever been, and no longer searching for that “missing piece” because there is none! I’m focused on creating a wonderful future and no longer living in fear.

    Thank you Laura for this amazing experience! I would highly recommend working with Laura if you’re ready to change and want a kind, gentle coach to support you AND hold you accountable!


  • Food & Healing

    There is a saying that when you are ready the teacher appears. Laura was that teacher for me. I had recently been diagnosed with a benign tumour on my parathyroid and was headed for surgery. I knew that for me to get well I had to change the way I ate and, for that matter, my whole relationship with food. I knew Laura from a previous training and I knew she was the person for me. Laura provided me with so many teachings, options, recipes, meal plans, encouragement. She asked about me, what I liked, what was a fit for me. When we worked together Laura helped to shift my nutritional awareness one step at a time. She provided those things with love, care, integrity and knowledge wanting a healed outcome for me that included good health that would support my body. Laura’s laugh is infectious, her smile contagious and her love of life and her clients magical.

    -Sandie M.

  • Inner Peace

    The benefits of an introductory session of Healing Energy prompted me to sign up for Laura's individual sessions. Over the years I tried talk therapy, pastoral guidance, and individual and group counselling to address deep-seated issues from my past. Laura helped bring me to a place of peace within myself, and opened new pathways to explore in this lifelong process of healing.

    -Nuala G.